
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Breakfast Room Redo

Farmhouse style table and bench
Breakfast Room After

I decided that when I got my notice to renew my domain name that I needed to go ahead and start revealing some rooms on the blog even if they aren't finished yet because I realized that I am NEVER really done with any room anyway. We have done a lot in the house but I can't seem to finish anything because I get too distracted. I go from one room to the next as the mood hits me. Kind of like this blog I guess.  As we would say in my family, "Squirrel."

This picture was taken about one year ago. We decided to close off the bar area a little and create an arch that was centered on the light fixture in the other room. All of the walls were "builder beige" so I decided to do a dark color in the bar to contrast the white in the breakfast room. I like going neutral with the walls so I can change color schemes easily. The dark grey is Sherwin Williams Black Fox.

We chose used Chicago brick with for the walls. I love the antiqued look of it and the fact that it has history. Unfortunately, I didn't get a batch with a lot of color like the blue in the sample, but you get what you get. I asked the masons to turn any painted ones to the outside as they were going. This was NOT a project I wanted to take on myself!

If you do take on a project like this, even if you are not doing it yourself, be prepared for a mess. My masons were very good and careful but no matter how much you cover, there will be dust for weeks.

Originally, we had planned on doing a large barn door on this wall but then we decided that we didn't want to cover up all of the pretty brick we had just paid for and we didn't ever feel the need to close off the bar anyway. Luckily, we made this wall in the breakfast room a little larger so we could fit in my newest find. Yes, it does still cover up the brick a bit but when I saw it, especially at $350, I couldn't resist.

While shopping with my mom in Boerne, we came across a store on Main Street that had lost their lease and they were selling all of their display pieces. It seemed like a really good deal until we had to get it home. I'm sure Bill gets a shiver up his spine every time I tell him that I have found a piece of furniture. That's what happens when someone has a truck. After carrying this monster out of the store (It's bigger than it looks.),blocking Main Street traffic to get it in the truck, and a white knuckle drive home with it dangling off of the truck, I was very pleased with my find!

The new piece of furniture also provided a great space for my pot rack. I have old copper pots that I wanted to display so I found this iron quilt hanger that works perfectly. It is so hard to hang anything on the brick so I used cup hooks screwed into EZ anchors on the ceiling to hold the weight.

Overall, I'm pleased with the way it all came out...FOR NOW. "Squirrel!"

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