
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jewelry, Belt and Scarf Storage

I figured out this easy way to make long necklace storage. I just used basic hooks from Target and spray painted them a gold to match this old frame that I had lying around. I knew that I would use it someday for something. I just hung the hook first and then hung the frame over it. I also used the same hooks for belt and scarf storage...

Here I used two together and just added a metal flower in between to look like they're joined. The metal flower has a magnet glued to the back. I also used beads at the end to cover up the screw holes. They kind of blend in so it's hard to see in this picture. You can buy the magnets at Hobby Lobby. They are around $8 for 20 of them. This reminds me of my next project where things weren't as easy at first.

I already showed you my long necklace storage but I also needed something for short necklaces...

I already had this small magnetic bulletin board and I thought that since it was magnetic that I could take some knobs and just use a magnet to attach the knob to the board. Two problems came up.

Make sure that the knobs that you buy and/or find are flat on the back. I assumed that the screw on the pink knob didn't. So then I had to go around my house to see if I had any left over knobs that I could use because I really wanted to finish this. Luckily, I always save old hardware and found what I needed.

 Funny thing about magnets...they aren't as strong as you think. Once I added a necklace on top, the magnet slid all the way down. UGH!!!

So, long story short, I pulled out my trusty glue gun. It never fails me. Next to my drill, it is one of my most important tools.

 I did end up using at least one magnet to embellish the center knob with yet another metal flower. I just love these things!

The finished product after way to much time.

Now here's an oldie. Remember way back seven months ago when I said I was going to do my closet...

I just took one of those jewelry organizers that you can buy at places like Stein Mart and used another frame that I had lying around. I used a staple gun to attach it to the back. You can see that it wasn't the perfect size so I just made sure that it lined up at the bottom.

Only a few more projects to go before the final reveal. I'm excited to show you what you can do with a little paint, a little time and a few things from around the house.

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