
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Best of 2013

I can't believe it's almost 2014. This year has flown by. Unfortunately, I didn't meet all of my goals that I set at the end of last year, so they'll just have to make the list again for 2014. I did manage to complete some big projects. I thought I would do a little recap in case you might have missed something that you'd be interested in, starting with projects at the beginning of this year to the present. Just click on the description at the bottom of each picture to see the original post and step by step instructions or tours.



I guess I accomplished more than I thought this year, the pantry redo, the laundry room makeover and decorating my mom and Stanley's new beach house. I need to add the workout room again to this years list. I keep putting it off because of the dog crates. Dogs and children seem to create some decorating challenges. We'll delve into some of that this year as well as my closet makeover and some other fun stuff.
If you haven't had a chance yet, I'd love for you to become a friend/follower in the new year. There are a lot of different ways to do it. You can check out my sidebar under follow or just do it with one of the links below:

You can also follow me on Pinterest and Facebook. I need to work on Twitter and Instagram. I guess I'm not as caught up on that stuff as some of you cool kids. :) More resolutions. I'm not sure there are enough hours in the day for anymore social media.

Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by. If you have any ideas for things that you'd like to see in the future or any comments in general, I always love feedback!

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Hi. Thank you for visiting! Please feel free to leave any comments and share if you have a fun and similar project going on. Also, I am happy to answer any questions that you might have regarding tutorials or sources for decorating. I love making new friends who share my love of design, so don't be shy! You can also join me here and on other social networks on the right sidebar of this blog. Have a fabulous Day!