
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fiesta Time ~ The Wreath Is Up

Fiesta wreath
Normally, I'm a ,"Less is more", kind of girl but not when it comes to Fiesta! It all starts with the wreath. I have had it for a few years now and every year I add more to it. More on this later...

It just occurred to me that some of you that read my blog might not know about Fiesta. Here in San Antonio, during the last two weeks of April there is a city wide "Party" celebrated with many parades,carnivals, parties and activities most of which are not only fun, but raise money for charities too. Some of the parades include the Battle of Flowers, The River Parade and the Fiesta Flambeau nigh time parade and smaller ones like the Fiesta Pooch parade. There is a royal court, including King Antonio and El Rey Feo (Do you know what that means?), among others, with the winners comprised of those that can raise the most money for their charity. Some of my favorite events are NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), The Arts Fair and King William but there are dozens of others, way too many to mention. It is a tradition to wear crazy hats and display all of your medals. Medals are given out or purchased and some are highly coveted. If you're from San Antonio, you know what it means to say,"Show me your shoes.", you know the proper name for an egg with confetti in it (a cascarone), you know where Frontier Town is and at least once you have used public transportation (VIA) even if you would never do it at any other time of the year! Basically, Fiesta is a time for eating, drinking, dressing up and having fun. If you plan on visiting San Antonio, this is the time to do it!

 My fiesta hat. This one is really tame. You should see some of the hats people wear. They make my wreath look unfinished!
Some of my favorite medals. The Alamo, Fiesta, El Rey Feo and El Rey Gato (Thank you Anna Laura)

Back to the porch... I added some colorful flowers to balance out my wreath. :)

fiesta wreath

Some must-have fiesta items ~ donkey pinata, tin ornaments, paper flowers, handmade dolls, colorful pottery, ribbons and masks. Hmmm, looking at it, I think it needs more stuff! :)

To all of my San Antonio peeps ~ Have a happy and safe Fiesta!!!

What are some of your favorite Fiesta traditions?

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