
Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Porch

My little project today was sprucing up the area by the bench outside. I pulled the cart before the horse, as I tend to do, and made the pillows before the cushion. The cushion intimidates me a little and I knew that if I didn't get ANYthing done that I would never do anything to it at all.

I had some outdoor pillow inserts that were stuffed in a closet and some extra drop cloth. The only problem was  that I didn't know what to put on the pillows. Then it occurred to me, I could put our address numbers on one and our name on the other. Decorative and practical. I don't think anyone would want to steal them either, not that anyone would anyway. Well, last year someone did take one of my lit deer and it probably ended up in someone else's yard in some inappropriate position.

This is the pillow stenciling project in progress. It occurred to me at the time that it was very ironic that I was using a trash bag as drop cloth and painting a drop cloth for pillows. That's how I roll. Trash bags actually work pretty well as a drop cloth. My husband doesn't even freak out when he sees me painting on the granite counter tops. :)

The finished product.
I took a little bit of a risk adding extra lights as we already had so many plugged into one outlet. I had to hold my breath when I plugged in that string hoping that I would not blow every fuse. A sigh of relief when it was all done... and the star only fell on my head one time. Success!

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shabby creek cottage

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