
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Sad Day in Our Nation

While I always enjoy the traditions every year of wrapping presents, baking cookies and watching Christmas movies with the kids, I feel so sad that there are parents out there that had planned on doing these things with their sweet children that are no longer with them. The thought of these poor families that probably already had presents wrapped for their kids, that had plans to take their child to go sit on Santa's lap or to travel and visit their Grandparents, will never get to do those things and their future holidays will be forever changed. This tragedy in itself is horrible but the fact that it happened at this time of year makes it that much more painful. I think this tragic incident in Connecticut has made us all appreciate every moment we have with our children and our families. Having two young boys myself in elementary school, it really hit home as I'm sure it did for many of you as well.

None of us know how long we will have and this is an unfortunate reminder of that. As I spend this next week with my family, shopping, wrapping, baking, and celebrating Christmas, those families will be on my mind. I am praying for them to get through this, the toughest thing they will ever have to do.

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