
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Skeletons and Spiders and Bats, Oh My

Halloween decorations

Halloween is here at the Teer household. With the first cold front, I get so excited about putting out the mums, the pumpkins and the grapevine as we move from summer to fall. At this time of year, the kids wait impatiently for my birthday to come and go because they know that means it's time to get out the old Halloween costumes and decorations. With that comes a lot of bargaining with my 8 year old. Did I mention that I have 2 boys? You might know now where I'm going with this. My 10 year old is pretty disinterested with the whole decorating thing but my 8 year old has grand, gruesome ideas of what we can do in the front yard. I love that he is now interested in helping me but it comes with a lot of compromising on both of our parts. Pictured is the end result on the front porch. I'm sure as the weeks approach to Halloween there will be some things added and then hidden by me in the hopes that one might forget that he put it there. Truth be told, I know in several years when my boys are grown and away at college, I'm really going to miss all of this. So, for now, I'm really going to appreciate the cheesy plastic skeleton and the spiders and the bats, Oh my.

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